
I am currently a member of the Task Force appointed by the Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya on ADR and specifically mandated to roll out Court Annexed Mediation and other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).  I am an Arbitrator listed on Mauritius International Arbitration Centre (MIAC); theContinue Reading

Jacqueline’s is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and is the Managing Partner of JWM LAW LLP (formerly Jacqueline Waihenya Maina & Co. Advocates) founded in 2012 being a full service corporate oriented practice.  She holds an LLM from the University of Nairobi specializing in Public Finance &Continue Reading

I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Malaysian Institute of Arbitrators and the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand. I have undertaken various relevant courses, sat as arbitrator and also represented parties largely in domestic arbitrations but also in some International Commercial Arbitration disputes. I haveContinue Reading

Njeri is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya of over 32 years turned alternative dispute resolver with qualifications such as Chartered Arbitrator & Accredited Mediator. Njeri has practised in the field of alternative dispute resolution over a span of 24 years as an arbitrator, mediator, tutor and trainerContinue Reading

Mr. Kamau Karori MBS is a Chartered Arbitrator. He is an active member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He is also a seasoned Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and Arbitrator. He has been involved in the resolution of many ground-breaking and high-profile disputes in the High Court,Continue Reading

Retired Judge of the High Court of Tanzania (10 years as Judge), Advocate (17 years), Lecturer in Law, University of Dar es Salaam (10 years). Acted as Arbitrator in several domestic arbitrations and four international arbitrations. Acted as counsel in several international and domestic arbitrations. Conducted various trainings and madeContinue Reading

Jackie is a legal practitioner with 20 years’ experience in corporate and commercial law in various sectors ranging from financial services (banking, insurance, investment) to real estate and intellectual property. She has sat as a third party neutral in a range of disputes, largely commercial, involving both domestic and internationalContinue Reading

Hon. Mary Ang’awa, is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. She has been practicing Arbitration and hearing matters of construction /refurbishing and of building leases. She undertook the course in mediation and is an accredited mediator.  She spent some time as a tutor of the Chartered Institute ofContinue Reading

Dr. Kariuki Muigua is a law scholar, mediator, Chartered Arbitrator and holds Ph.D in law, University of Nairobi. He has training and experience in international and domestic commercial arbitration and mediation, policy formulation and the legislative process. He is the (CIArb) Regional Trustee for Africa. He was the Chairman (CIArb)-KenyaContinue Reading

Dr. Rukia Baruti is a qualified solicitor in England & Wales and an independent arbitrator.  She began working in commercial law firms in the City of London in 1997.  In 2006 she joined the international arbitration group SJ Berwin LLP (later merged with King & Wood Mallesons), where she practisedContinue Reading