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Mr. David Ofosu-Dorte

Company: AB & David Africa

Position: Senior Partner

Expert Overview

David’s recent arbitration-related roles include:

(a) ICC international arbitration between an African state entity and an international road contractor
(b) a construction dispute involving an international mining company and a major construction company in West Africa
(c) a member of a Dispute Adjudication Board in a $100m road construction project West Africa
(d) Mediator: international dispute between Egyptian / Ghanaian JV contractor and a multi-lateral institution based on UNCITRAL dispute model.

David has also acted as counsel for various respondents and claimants in international arbitration matters, including representing a sovereign entity in four (4) ICC international arbitration cases.

International Arbitration Appointments

No. of international arbitration appointments 3
No. of those as chair 0
No. of those as sole arbitrator 0
No. of those as wing-arbitrator 3
No. of those appointed by arbitral institutions 3
No. of those that were ad hoc arbitrations 0
Names of African co-arbitrators Funke Adekoya SAN
Emmanuel Amofa
Prof. Albert Fiadjoe
Where did you sit? Ghana
Under which applicable laws and rules? Ghanaian Law
ICC Rules
Ghana Arbitration Centre Rules

Supporting Documents

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