Disclaimer – Under no circumstances or in any way can the African Arbitration Association (AfAA), its officers, board members, employees or any other persons otherwise affiliated with the AfAA be held liable in respect of any information submitted and published on the Directory of African International Arbitrators (DAIA), and cannot be held responsible for its content and accuracy by a User. Nonetheless, we will remove any content that might be misleading, such as information about experience or qualifications that are unverifiable.
CV – If requested, you agree to send us a copy of your CV, which includes references.
Speciality – By indicating a specialisation in a particular area, you guarantee that you are indeed qualified in that area either through years of practice or through legal qualification from an authorised educational institution such as a university. You also agree to provide further proof of your qualifications and experience upon request.  As such, we have no legal liability regarding any unsubstantiated specialisations, but will simply remove you from our DAIA.
Review – submitted information will be reviewed by the AfAA’s officers, who decide on its publication in the DAIA. The publication of any directory entry will be at the sole discretion of AfAA.
Reservation of Rights – We reserve the right to accept, reject or remove any directory entry with no explanation.
Offensive content – Any material deemed defamatory, racist, or otherwise illegal or offending will in any case not be approved for publication.
E-mails – It is a requirement of our submission process that you agree to receive occasional e-mails from us. If any of these notification e-mails are returned, we may refuse or withdraw publication of your directory entry.
Acknowledgement – You acknowledge that any breach of the above-mentioned warranties may cause us damage or loss and you agree to indemnify us in full and permanently against any third party liabilities, claims, costs, loss or damage we incur as a result of publishing information you submit to us, including consequential losses.