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Ms. Jacqueline Oyuyo Githinji C.Arb; FCIArb

Position: Managing Partner, Umsizi LLP

Expert Overview

Jackie is a legal practitioner with 20 years' experience in corporate and commercial law in various sectors ranging from financial services (banking, insurance, investment) to real estate and intellectual property. She has sat as a third party neutral in a range of disputes, largely commercial, involving both domestic and international parties. Jackie has a solid background in corporate governance and a more than cursory appreciation of public sector operations hence conversant with State approaches to dispute resolution. She has played a key role in the development of an ADR Policy in Kenya, and is a contributor to the International Legal and Comparative Guide (Litigation and ADR). She regularly teaches undergraduate courses in ADR.

International Arbitration Appointments

No. of international arbitration appointments 2
No. of those as chair 0
No. of those as sole arbitrator 2
No. of those as wing-arbitrator 0
No. of those appointed by arbitral institutions 0
No. of those that were ad hoc arbitrations 2
Appointing authorities involved in the ad-hoc arbitrations?
Names of Appointing Authorities in ad-hoc arbitrations Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Kenya Branch)
Where did you sit? Nairobi, Kenya
Under which applicable laws and rules? The Laws of the Republic of Kenya

Supporting Documents

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