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Mr Coenraad Snyman

Company: Coen Snyman International

Position: CEO

Expert Overview

Mr. Snyman is a specialist on EPC, EPCM, Professional Services and Building and Engineering Contracts, including FIDIC and NEC contracts. He has over 15 years’ experience with these contracts and acted for numerous clients embroiled in disputes. He also acted as an adjudicator and arbitrator. He has worked throughout Africa, the Middle East and South America and has experience with the procurement, application, administration and management of building and engineering, and commercial contracts. He is acquainted with the role of DAB's / DAAB's and well versed with the law of evidence, rules of natural justice and the rules and procedures applicable to the conduct of International arbitrations.

International Arbitration Appointments

I have not been appointed  in an international arbitration but I hold the following relevant qualification:

Other Post Grad International Arbitration qualification that involved Award Writing

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