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Dr Rukia Baruti

Position: Independent Arbitrator

Expert Overview

Dr. Rukia Baruti is a qualified solicitor in England & Wales and an independent arbitrator.  She began working in commercial law firms in the City of London in 1997.  In 2006 she joined the international arbitration group SJ Berwin LLP (later merged with King & Wood Mallesons), where she practised arbitration and litigation.  Since joining SJ Berwin LLP, she has focused on international arbitration.  She has two decades of experience in international arbitration and international law, spanning both the practice and training of these fields.  Her career has included experience in the roles of Counsel, Arbitrator, Secretary to the Tribunal, and counsel in arbitral institutions.  She has worked under all the principal international arbitration rules.

International Arbitration Appointments

No. of international arbitration appointments 8
No. of those as chair 0
No. of those as sole arbitrator 4
No. of those as wing-arbitrator 4
Names of African co-arbitrators Salim Moollan QC, Tarek Badawy
No. of appointments by arbitral institutions 5
Names of arbitral institutions involved London Court of International Arbitration; ICC International Court of Arbitration; Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration
No. of ad-hoc appointments 4
Appointing authorities involved in the ad-hoc arbitrations? Yes
Names of appointing authorities in ad-hoc arbitrations Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Nigeria Branch; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Kenya Branch; Permanent Court of Arbitration
Where did you sit? London, Lagos, Accra, Cairo and Nairobi
Under which applicable laws and rules? English, Nigerian, Ghanaian, Egyptian laws & Kenyan; UNCITRAL, LCIA, ICC, CRCICA & rules contained in Nigeria's Arbitration and Conciliation Act


Supporting Documents

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