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Professor Emilia Onyema PhD, FCIArb

Position: Professor of International Commercial Law, SOAS University of London

Expert Overview

I have experience of acting as sole, presiding and co arbitrator in international commercial and investment contract disputes. I have written awards and arbitrated disputes arising from shareholders contract, real estate investment contract, property and construction disputes. I have been appointed under the rules of the ICC, Kigali and Abu Dhabi centres.

International Arbitration Appointments

No. of international arbitration appointments 4
No. of those as chair 1
No. of those as sole arbitrator 2
No. of those as wing-arbitrator 1
No. of those appointed by arbitral institutions 4
No. of those that were ad hoc arbitrations 0
Names of African co-arbitrators Dr Faustin Ntezilyayo; Thierry Ngoga.
Names of arbitral institutions involved Kigali International Arbitration Centre; ICC
Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Centre
Where did you sit? Kigali; London; Abu Dhabi.
Under which applicable laws? ICC Rules/English Arbitration Act
Kigali IAC Rules/Rwanda Arbitration Act
Abu Dhabi CCAC Rules/ UAE Arbitration Law

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