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Ms. Eunice Lumallas FCIArb

Position: Partner, Lumallas Achieng And Kavere Advocates (LAK Attorneys)

Expert Overview

Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Fellow Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and Trial Lawyer, acts both as an Arbitrator and Party Representative in both domestic and International Arbitrations, Masters in Public International Law, tutor and trainer in Alternative Dispute Resolution. Partner in the Law Practice of Lumallas Achieng' and Kavere (LAK Attorneys) headquartered in Nairobi where I am in charge of Dispute Resolution and Constitutional Law Matters Founder and Chairperson of Women in Alternative Dispute Resolution established in Kenya and which seeks to bring together women dispute resolvers from across Africa with the aim of creating a forum for women in Alternative Dispute Resolution in all sectors to network and mentor one another.

International Arbitration Appointments

No. of international arbitration appointments 5
No. of those as chair 0
No. of those as sole arbitrator 5
No. of those as wing-arbitrator 0
No. of those appointed by arbitral institutions 2
No. of those that were ad hoc arbitrations 3
Names of arbitral institutions involved Kigali International Arbitration Centre: Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration
Appointing authority involved in the ad-hoc arbitrations? Yes
Names of appointing authority in ad-hoc arbitrations Nigeria High Court; High Court of Kenya; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Kenya; Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration
Where did you sit? Abuja ; Kigali; Nairobi
Under which applicable laws and rules? Kenyan; Rwandan;  English; and Nigerian Laws; UNCITRAL; ICC; KIAC and NCIA Rules


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