Map Disclaimer
Information in this screening tool is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or service. The African Arbitration Association makes no warranties or representations, express or implied as to the accuracy or reliability of this tool or the data contained therein. A user of this tool should seek qualified legal advice. Any use thereof or reliance thereon is at the sole and independent discretion and responsibility of the user. No conclusions or inferences drawn from the tool or relating to any aspect of any of the maps shown on the tool, should be attributed to the African Arbitration Association, its Board Members or its Secretariat.
The boundaries, colours, denominations, and other information shown on any map, do not imply any judgment or endorsement on the part of the African Arbitration Association concerning the delimitation or legal status of any territory or boundaries. In no event will the African Arbitration Association be liable for any form of damage arising from the application or misapplication of the tool, any maps, or any associated material.